

Instagram: Now you can manage various accounts at the same time

Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

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It’s finally official! Instagram users are now able to manage multiple accounts without having to log out each time!

Until now, this feature was only available to some priviliged users (mainly celebrities and high-profile people), but now the company has confirmed that it will be available for everbody with the next update. You can read more about the initial speculation here.

Instagram: Now you can manage various accounts at the same time

To use the function, you must first download Instagram’s 7.15 version (available on both iOS and Android) which will be available very soon. Once the update is installed, you will be able to manage up to five different accounts directly from your homepage.

Looking to gain more Instagram followers? Be sure to take a look at our collection of apps for getting followers on Instagram on Softonic Solutions.

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