

Speak your e-mails



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Message SpeakSending e-mails is an essential but also time consuming part of working life. If you’re tired of typing long e-mails and long for the days when everyone talked to each other than why not speak and send your e-mails? Message Speak replaces the written text of the mails for your own voice and allows you to send it by e-mail. This is an application that automatically sends emails with a sound file attachment. The procedure is very simple: open the program, configure your microphone the first time you do it and record your message.

When you stop recording, the program will launch the default mail handler having the audio file attached to the message. If you are not very fast at typing, it’s the perfect solution for sending lots of messages quickly. Alternatively, if typing e-mails simply takes too much of your valuable time or you want to communicate in a more personal way, Speak A Message is one of the best ways to get your message across.



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