

This is the page you should have in favorites if you have an Android

Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

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Are you an Android user? If so, you should definitely keep this page as one of your favorites: Android Device Manager. It’s the one place you should go to if you’ve lost your mobile or had it stolen. This website has the ability to tell you if it is the worst case scenario, or you have in fact just accidently dropped it down the back of the sofa.

The new service allows you to use the website or app on another Android device to locate your lost or stolen Android device. You can even enable the ringer on your device if you’ve misplaced it in your home. This means you’ll never have to worry about finding your phone that’s on silent.

This is the page you should have in favorites if you have an Android

In addition to locating your Android device, Android Device Manager also has the ability to wipe your phone of all personal data if you’ve had it stolen. Many times, the data on your phone is worth more than the device itself. Google has your back and will wipe your device and stop your information from getting into the wrong hands.

To start using Android Device Manager, register yourself using the same account you have activated on your cell phone. Simply open the webpage to automatically see where the device is currently located.

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Softonic Editorial Team

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