

30 Firefox extensions for developers

Cyril Roger

Cyril Roger

  • Updated:

mozilla-extensions.jpgIf you’re a web developer or programmer, take a look at this excellent list of 30 Firefox extensions. It features what the author considers as the best developer tools you can add to your Firefox browser. We don’t suggest bloating up your Firefox with all of these but instead selecting the ones you find more convenient. You might have trouble choosing though, so we decided to handpick the best ones for you:

Firebug is great to debug, edit and monitor CSS, HTML or Javascript. Web Developer adds a menu and toolbar from which you can validate, outline, manipulate forms and many more common developing tasks. If you want to quickly verify your IP address, install the ShowIP extension. We also really like ColorZilla, which gets a color reading of any pixel on your screen. Finally we suggest Html Validator with its simple view of all errors and warnings on a web page.

Cyril Roger

Cyril Roger

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