

Follow Eurovision 2010 with Google

James Thornton

James Thornton

  • Updated:

As a goodwill gesture for forcing my girlfriend to watch every World Cup match coming this summer, I’ve agreed to let her turn on the Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday. I’m not normally one for monster rockers or dancing turkeys but I thought I’d at least try to get into the swing of the contest this year.

I’ve just discovered Google’s Eurovision Predictor gadget and it’s really helping my preparations for the world’s campest contest. The tool provides a real time forecast of who is going to win the tournament based on searches for all the different artists on Google. You can view graphs of the search evolution, to chart the acts’ popularity over time. Best of all, the Eurovision Predictor includes YouTube videos so you can familiarize yourself with all the songs ready to belt them out loud on Saturday night. Um, not that I’ll actually be doing that, you understand.


Last year, Google was spot on when its gadget predicted that Norway would scoop the title. So, according to this year’s forecasts, it should be Germany’s Lena who claims Eurovision glory. Maybe we’ll even find out where she picked up that ridiculous English accent.


James Thornton

James Thornton

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