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How much will an iPhone cost if Trump becomes President?

How much will an iPhone cost if Trump becomes President?
Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

  • Updated:

“We’re going to get Apple to build their damn computers and things in this country instead of in other countries” said the Presidential candidate during a speech on Monday.

This is one of the tycoon’s latest campaign strategies in which he firmly believes the technology giant should keep their manufacturing processes in the country, staying away from countries such as China where they currently produce Apple goods for a fraction of the price.

For Americans, the idea sounds feasible…and lucrative. This could mean more jobs, more revenue, and less shipping. But the question on everybody’s mind: if Apple did decide to manufacture all its products in the U.S., just how much would an iPhone cost?

CNET recently looked at this idea, and have a theory.

If the U.S. were to manufacture the iPhone, and were to pay their staff the lowest minimum wage in the country, (obviously this is not an option – plus nobody with the skillset required would work for this amount of money), then a “made in the USA” iPhone could come  with a MINIMUM price tag of $1,300.

It has been addressed that this amount is an extremely conservative offer, and although Trump has proposed a 35% tax decrease on products made in the U.S., it could mean the starting price for an iPhone (just in the U.S.) could be $877.50.

The question is, how much would you pay?

Source: CNET

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