

Spice up your webcam



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camfrogOnce upon a time, webcam applications used to be simple programs that merely enabled you to conduct audio-visual web-conferences or see your friends whilst chatting to them over the net. Nowadays, you can do everything from spicing up your images with colours, adding special effects to even turning them into security cameras.

The most popular on Softonic is the simple but effective Camfrog Video Chat. The high picture quality on Camfrog is one of the major factors behind its success along with the ability to use it with more than one person at once. It has few special effect options however and even resizing the image is limited to a handful of possibilities.

If it’s features you’re looking for, then the versatile WebcamMax adds just about any effect you can think of to your webcam. It enables you to add videos, screenshots, pictures, flash presentations to virtual or real webcams and messengers. It also features over 1200 special effects from giving images a sepia effect to animating them. Its popularity is probably explained by the fact that it’s compatible with all the major messenger services including ICQ, MSN, Skype and Yahoo.

Finally, if you’re looking for something that can use your webcam to broadcast video or monitor security, then Active WebCam is what you are looking for. Active WebCam can transmit up to 20 frames per second from your camera which can be used for both broadcast and security purposes. If you want to protect an area of your home or find out who’s been logging onto your PC whilst you’re away, Active WebCam can be triggered by motion and even be set to send an e-mail or SMS to warn you of intruders.

So whether you’re looking to just have more fun or more security with your webcam, there are plenty of apps out there to help you.



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