

Where does the website take you?

Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

  • Updated:

Yes,  believe it or not, somebody, at some point, has spent money purchasing and maintaining the domain name

But for what reason exactly?

Where does the website take you?

Many might think it’s an online store for all things geeky, like Pokémon cards or video game paraphinalia, but it’s actually something a little less predictable.

The owners of the domain (still unknown), have purposefully redirected the site to Donald Trump’s Wikipedia page. This comes shortly following his defeat by Ted Cruz in the elections earlier this week. Check it out if you don’t believe us!

(Please note that in order to do this, you will have to open a new window and type it for yourself)

The site has also previously featured the likes of Barack Obama, Kanye West and Al Gore.

We guess they just save it for whoever’s not too popular in the media at that time. Cool? Or do you think maybe someone has far too much time on their hands?

Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

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